Grow Your Business & Strengthen Patient Experience

Boutique Management Consulting that Builds Value for Your Healthcare Business and Patients

Our Strategic Consulting Solutions for Healthcare Companies

  • Corporate Positioning Icon

    Corporate Positioning

    Get it right, most can't afford not to

  • Strategic Planning Icon

    Strategic Planning

    Focused planning, measurable growth

  • Products & Pricing Icon

    Products & Pricing

    Deliver value, attract the right buyers

  • Customer Experience Icon

    Patient & Referral Experience Design

    Seamless journeys, lasting loyalty

  • Marketing Strategies Icon

    Marketing & Go-to-Market Strategy

    Earn trust, capture growth

  • Operational Hurdles & Opportunities Icon

    Operational Hurdles & Opportunities

    Maximize resources, minimize friction

  • Brand Success Icon

    Brand Success

    Stand out, stay memorable

  • Go to Market Strategy Icon

    Patient Access Strategy

    Right message, right care, right time

  • Partnership Success Icon

    Partnership Success

    Win-wins for the long haul

What blocks mission-driven companies in growth mode and how we solve it with healthcare and wellness business consulting

Confusion and inconsistency in messaging

You might be too close to clearly see what sets you apart — or you're not communicating it well. 

Differentiated value clarity 

We clarify your target audience, key value propositions, and messaging – eliminating confusion and inconsistency.

Misaligned, inefficient teams and systems

At a team level, there’s a lack of clarity about who you’re serving, why you’re operating, and what values guide your decisions. 

Strategy alignment and team cohesion 

We boost internal cohesion and efficiency, making sure every team member is contributing to shared goals and driving the company forward.

Stalled growth and lack of market traction 

Early success made it clear you’re on to something. But growth isn’t happening as smoothly or naturally as you thought it would.

Market positioning and growth strategy 

We help companies effectively position themselves in their target market(s) and devise strategies for sustainable expansion and market traction.

Healthcare and Wellness Business Consulting

Case studies: Authentic edge in action

  • Brand Management & Operational Improvements

  • Leveraging a House of Brands for a B2B Brand

  • Value Discovery for a National Firm

Honored to be trusted by

For a full list of clients and references please email

Three people in business attire fist bumping over a table with papers and computers

“Focusing your team on the messages that matter”

Gordon Kuntz,
Founder & CEO at Kuntz Consulting

Person in business casual presenting and pointing to a table of peers

“Stunningly impactful”

Dr. Mufaddal Kheda Nephrology Specialist

Two people fist bumping over an office desk

“We’ve needed Cornerpiece® for years”

Richard Henriksen,
Founder & CEO at Nokomis Health

Meet your healthcare business consultants

EnticEdge is a health and wellness business consulting firm helping companies communicate their unique strengths, align their teams, and grow their business.

Our mission is to support organizations that improve human health and well-being, including healthcare, sustainability, and education companies. We see these sectors as interconnected elements that all contribute to human health.

Healthcare business consultants helping you

Find your edge and amplify
your impact

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