5 Takeaways from TWIN Global Impact 2022: Transcend

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to attend TWIN Global Impact 2022. Each year it is packed with innovative insights and this year was particularly noteworthy because we hadn’t been together in-person for years due to COVID-19 restrictions. Though TWIN had continued in innovative thought exchange virtually the past couple of years, I was quickly reminded how vital gathering in-person is when we did so this year! I’ll kick off sharing some of those exchanges—once again this year topics were wide-ranging, from deep space and the metaverse to music, art, and design to neuroscience, and so much more (stay tuned). And thank you TWIN Global!

Takeaway #1

To kick it off, check out Julio Mario Ottino’s new book, with Bruce Mau, The Nexus—Augmented Thinking for a Complex World--The New Convergence of Art, Technology, and Science. At TWIN, Northwestern University’s Dean of the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Sciences spoke to our future demanding this convergence and unique way of seeing the world. #science #technology #engineering #design

Takeaway #2

In the spirit of continuing this week to share insights from this year’s TWIN Global Impact 2022, readying for deep space adventures is top of mind for some and research & development is underway to keep us as healthy as possible. Dorit Donoviel, Ph.D., and Director for the Translational Research in Space Health, NASA & Associate Professor, Center for Space Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, leads extensive research to examine human health complexities in deep space at every level & from every angle.

Kelly Larson is Founder & CEO of Aquarian Space, a company providing communication service in deep space — not just in orbit, but soon, even beyond. #space #technology #research #development #telecommunications

Takeaway #3

In continuation of sharing insights from TWIN…

With a room listening intently to every word, and ending in a standing ovation, Lieutenant Colonel, Adviser to the Head of the Office of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Defense Strategist, and the founder of Apeiron School for Leadership Development, Oleksiy Arestovych addressed TWIN Global with a message of strength and hope. On the 100th day of the war upon Ukraine, he expressed working toward a Ukraine as one of the freest countries in the world with a right to work in anything creative, to space exploration, and essential medicine, and most importantly a country where people focus not on fear but curiosity, enjoyment of life, and caring about one other.

Also at TWIN were those leading aid on the ground in Ukraine through https://forwellbeing.org, and cello virtuoso & composer, and Co-Founder of Cello for Peace who is donating his gift of music to aid in Ukraine: Ian Maksin, https://ianmaksin.com.

Takeaway #4

Healthcare and wellness were of course part of TWIN Global Impact 2022:Transcend. From discussions on digital to integrated health to health equity and SDOH and oral health’s impact on clinical outcomes, behavioral health, and more, the ideas, innovations, and discussions on potential changes and solutions were all at the forefront.

It would be difficult to capture the landscape in a single post but from a bird's eye view,
—health innovator Mariya Filipova lead compelling sessions on healthcare innovations;
—one of the world’s leading researchers in zoonotic infectious diseases, Peter Hudson, shared research updates on bat to human pathogen transmissions;
—we had an update from OnDemand Pharmaceuticals and their team's quest to transform pharmaceutical supply, with Geoffrey Ling; and
—we even heard highlights on ‘this is your brain on virtual worlds’ with Neuroscientist Moran Cerf.
Abroad.io spoke to transformation and also the trauma we experience in life and the fact that “…we are equipped to deal with trauma - (we) just need to metabolize it,” with a reminder to give our bodies time to process stressors and to pay attention to our relation to others and the planet.

Demonstrating to everyone at TWIN how to be transformative change leaders in health and beyond, were Sandra Abrevaya and Brian Wallach who shared their story on turning facing ALS to a movement to help others with ALS through I AM ALS, https://iamals.org.
#healthcare #healthcareinnovation #pharmaceutical #technology #neuroscience #behavioralhealth

Takeaway #5

To wrap up my week of posts on TWIN Global, I offer these reflections…

First, I will say that I could only provide a sliver of it - there are so many more innovators to highlight and topics of interest discussed from metaverse, renewables, Nordic Innovation & DNB NewTechLab, to art, blockchain, investment landscapes, the impact of storytelling, and innovative Estonia. Thank you Robert C. Wolcott and TWIN Global!

But second, my hope in doing the series of posts was that something catches someone’s eye for further exploration. In the past after TWIN, I have had a little regret not sharing more of it with others beyond where I am able in day-to-day conversations, since sharing our learnings can spark new ideas for one another. Speaking of exploration, many of you have heard me say that I wish everyone was required to live and integrate in a country where they don’t speak the language and don’t yet know the customs (yes I have humbly done so more than once, and realize my thought is lofty since I also honor that this can at times be a negative circumstance for some, yet…) - there’s positive impact that can be had on how we all approach understanding the world and the people around us!

I had the opportunity recently to hear the US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, speak at the University of Wisconsin-Madison commencement address and she called upon the young adults (thousands in the vast stadium I might add) to be ready - ready to step up to tough discussions, decisions, and big challenges in our futures. What she also called upon everyone to do is “to be uncomfortable.” Yes, it was 100 degrees in the stadium with no reprieve from the hot sun, but that wasn’t her point. It was to be uncomfortable in conversation and in experience - to learn more, experience more, contribute more. Her words settled in with me because while some embrace new conversations - and seek them out - for others doing so can be just that, a little uncomfortable. So hopefully the more we all engage, the more we all ask why, and ask why again, have patience for those who do, offer ideas, and have exchanges in the spirit of learning more, we ultimately make evermore thoughtful innovations and contributions globally.


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