Is Your Brand Aligned with Your Mission? 9 Questions Your Team Should Ask to See if Your Branding Reflects Your Mission

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At EnticEdge, we are healthcare and wellness business consultants dedicated to helping companies clarify and align around their competitive advantage, which we call your authentic edge! Our team brings 30+ years of healthcare expertise in strategic advising, value mapping, business consulting, client experience, team and cross-departmental alignment, and more, all tailored to helping teams achieve mission-driven growth.

Most companies nowadays are “mission-driven,” but many overlook the essential step of ensuring that their internal and external brand is aligned with that mission. A brand that not only reflects, but reinforces your mission is essential — especially for those of us in dynamic, technical, and human-centered markets like healthcare, sustainability, and certain technology sectors.

Not sure what we mean by your internal and external brand? Click here to learn more about what goes into a brand identity, understanding the components of a brand, and defining the ROI of a strong brand identity.

The reality is that the global marketplace has become increasingly captivated by visual communication and approachable language that differentiates and stands out. You could have the strongest mission in the world, but without a brand identity that reinforces that mission, your organization or business unit are likely missing out on significant market traction and growth (which, at the end of the day, if you’re truly mission-driven, means your company might be helping less people than it could be).

Here are 9 critical questions your team should ask to make sure your brand is aligned with your mission:

  1. What are our core values? Are they currently reflected in our branding?

    Identifying the values that built the foundation of your organization or team is essential to making sure that your mission is embedded into your brand. Remember, part of a strong brand is team alignment. Your target market and your team have to buy-in wholeheartedly to your values in order for them to be an effective addition to your brand.

  2. Does our brand clearly communicate our mission to someone who isn’t familiar with our company or team?

    Don’t forget that a brand goes well beyond a logo. We’re not suggesting that your visual identity include a written mission statement (although it could!), but your branding in total should clearly and concisely communicate your mission to new audiences. This includes ensuring that brand voice & personality, key messaging, website & digital marketing, and differentiators all reflect and support your mission.

  3. How do we currently measure the impact of our mission on our target audience? Is that clearly and consistently communicated to our audience when they engage with our brand?

    This is especially important for those of you in human-centered industries like healthcare and wellness where patient-focus and value-driven metrics need to be effectively communicated in order for your brand to gain and maintain credibility and trust.

  4. Do our logo, color palette, design elements, photography choices, and other visual identity components resonate with our mission?

    Every element of your brand should be informed in part by your mission. That’s how you stay mission-driven. Your visual identity is no exception. If your company’s mission is to bring affordable, integrated wellness solutions to a diverse audience, does your website reflect that? The photos chosen, elements selected, logo style, etc., all contribute to your audience’s understanding of that mission.

  5. Is our brand voice and personality consistent across platforms and aligned with our mission?

    Consistency and clarity in voice and messaging ensure a coherent brand experience that reinforces your mission with your target audience and with your internal team.

  6. How does our brand differentiate itself from competitors? Does that differentiation highlight our unique mission?

    Distinct and differentiated branding helps emphasize what sets your mission apart from others in the market and encourages your target audience to engage.

  7. Are our marketing strategies and campaigns in sync with our mission? Do they communicate our core message?

    Marketing efforts should be an extension of your mission, telling your story and gaining support for your mission. Don’t forget, your team will hear your mission and marketing messages more frequently than your audience does, so while it may start to sound repetitive for you, that might not be the case for your target market who still needs to hear baseline core messaging.

  8. How do we involve our team in our branding strategy to ensure alignment with our mission?

    Ensuring that your team is aligned with your brand strategy fosters a unified approach to achieving your mission. Aligning your team around your mission is also critical to ensuring that your team can communicate your value to your target audience at every touchpoint.

  9. What feedback have we received about our brand, and how does this align with our perception of our mission?

    Customer and stakeholder feedback can provide invaluable insights into how your brand and mission are perceived and whether or not they are aligned and supporting growth.

Your brand is not just a logo or a color scheme; it's the embodiment of your mission, values, voice, and aspirations. By asking these critical questions, your team can ensure that your branding resonates with your mission, communicates your unique value, and aligns with your strategic objectives for growth and impact. Remember, a mission-driven brand is not static; it's a dynamic, evolving entity that grows with your company, ensuring that your mission stands out in a crowded marketplace.

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