Does Your Team Need a Value Mapping Session? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

Why trust EnticEdge?

At EnticEdge, we are healthcare and wellness business consultants dedicated to helping companies clarify and align around their competitive advantage, which we call your authentic edge! Our team brings 30+ years of healthcare expertise in strategic advising, value mapping, business consulting, client experience, team and cross-departmental alignment, and more, all tailored to helping teams achieve mission-driven growth.

In the bustling business landscape, it's crucial for mission-driven companies to clearly communicate their unique value and align their teams around it. Without this clarity and alignment, even the most innovative companies might struggle to grow and make their mark. That's where EnticEdge steps in - we specialize in helping businesses like yours identify and articulate their differentiating value, ensuring your team is aligned for growth, and offering actionable strategies to turn hurdles into opportunities. But how do you know if your company needs a value mapping session? Take our quick quiz to find out!

Quiz: Is a Value Mapping Session Right for Your Business?

1. Does your team have a clear understanding of your company's unique value proposition(s)?

  • A) Absolutely, we can all articulate it clearly.

  • B) Somewhat, but it's not consistently clear across the team.

  • C) Not really, we struggle to define what truly sets us apart.

2. How well do you think your current branding and messaging communicate your unique value to your target market?

  • A) Very well, our message is clear and resonates with our audience.

  • B) Adequately, but there's room for improvement.

  • C) Poorly, we're not effectively reaching our target market.

3. Do you feel that all your team members are aligned with your company's mission and messaging?

  • A) Yes, we're all on the same page.

  • B) Somewhat, but alignment could be better.

  • C) No, there seems to be confusion or misalignment.

4. When was the last time you revisited your value proposition(s) to ensure it aligns with your market and business goals?

  • A) Recently, we keep it updated.

  • B) It's been a while, we could probably revisit it.

  • C) We haven't reassessed it in a year or so.

5. How confident are you that your company's communication strategy effectively sets you apart from the competition?

  • A) Very confident, we stand out in our market.

  • B) Moderately confident, but we face challenges.

  • C) Not confident, we blend in with the crowd.


Mostly A's: On Track!
Your company seems to have a solid grasp of its unique value and how to communicate it effectively. Keep up the great work and stay vigilant in maintaining that clarity and alignment.

Mostly B's: Room for Improvement!
Your company is doing well in some areas but could benefit from refining your value proposition and enhancing team alignment. A value mapping session would provide the clarity and direction needed to elevate your market positioning.

Mostly C's: Time for Action!
It appears your company could significantly benefit from a value mapping session. Clarifying your unique value, aligning your team, and strategizing your communication could be pivotal in driving your growth and success.

If your answers indicate that your company could benefit from a value mapping session, EnticEdge is here to help. Our expert team specializes in identifying your distinct value and aligning your messaging and team to drive growth. Contact us to learn how we can transform your company's trajectory with our strategic advising and value mapping expertise.



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