Resources to help you find your authentic edge

Brand and Marketing Strategy Alexa Horvath Brand and Marketing Strategy Alexa Horvath

Brand Values: Why Do They Matter?

Brand values have evolved from mere corporate jargon to essential guiding principles that can make or break a company's reputation. In addition to being key in any marketing strategy, brand values serve as the moral compass that defines how a business operates and connects with its audience. They are core principles that drive a company’s actions, behaviors, and identity by acting as key differentiators and by communicating what a company stands for. Brand values are a major pillar of a company’s brand which is why it is important to ensure they are clear and established.

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Brand and Marketing Strategy Alexa Horvath Brand and Marketing Strategy Alexa Horvath

7 Signs Your Company May Need a Better Brand Messaging Framework

Successful branding is not only about having a great product or service but also how its value is communicated to your audiences. This communication, or your brand messaging, dictates how your audience will perceive and connect with your business in the short-term and the long-term. This is why a thoughtful, strategic framework is needed so that you can best guide your brand’s image in your audiences’ minds.

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4 Strategies for Improving Patient Experience: Aligning Brand and Care

Brand identity is an incredibly complex and dynamic facet of your company, your values, and the services you offer. This is especially true in healthcare and wellness sectors where patients or clients are typically dealing with highly-sensitive, often urgent, and sometimes emotionally-charged situations. The patient experience, therefore, is not just about the clinical outcome, but also about how patients feel they are cared for and valued throughout their healthcare journey…

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Reaching Your Target Audience: Closing the Gap Between Mission and Market

When your mission resonates clearly with your target market, it not only differentiates your brand in your market sector but also amplifies resonance and engagement among your audience. Visualize the needs of your audience and your mission as two separate puzzle pieces. Your mission might be the missing piece or solution that customers have been looking for in your market, but without shaping your mission in a way that aligns with and speaks directly to their needs, the pieces won’t fit together in a way that leads to client conversion.

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User Experience: The Secret Ambassador of Your Brand

Your company’s user experience (UX) design is a pivotal and vital part of the client experience, yet often overlooked in the world of branding and marketing. But why is it the unsung hero your branding and marketing strategy? Well, in this blog, we'll be exploring why UX design isn't just about website appearance or smooth functionality on your digital platforms, but rather a powerful tool that speaks volumes about your brand values and commitment to the customer experience, at every touchpoint.

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Brand and Marketing Strategy Madeline Dunne Brand and Marketing Strategy Madeline Dunne

Marketing Messaging: What it is, why it’s important, and how to clarify your message

Customers of all types are inundated with information and pleas for attention all day long — it’s true whether your ideal customer is a retail consumer, patient, or decision-maker at a company you’d like to pitch. With every brand vying for attention, how do you ensure your company’s voice is heard? Beyond that, how do you ensure that what they hear actually resonates with them? The answer to these questions lies in effective messaging. In this blog, we’ll discuss the what, why, and how of messaging, unpack the different types, its importance, and strategies for clarifying your message.

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Is Your Brand Aligned with Your Mission? 9 Questions Your Team Should Ask to See if Your Branding Reflects Your Mission

Most companies nowadays are “mission-driven,” but many overlook the essential step of ensuring that their internal and external brand is aligned with that mission. A brand that not only reflects, but reinforces your mission is essential — especially for those of us in dynamic, technical, and human-centered markets like healthcare, sustainability, and certain technology sectors.

The reality is that the global marketplace has become increasingly captivated by visual communication and approachable language that differentiates and stands out. You could have the strongest mission in the world, but without a brand identity that reinforces that mission, your organization or business unit are likely missing out on significant market traction and growth (which, at the end of the day, if you’re truly mission-driven, means your company might be helping less people than it could be).

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The Art of Differentiation: 5 Steps for Leveraging Your Healthcare Brand Identity

In the competitive realm of the healthcare market, establishing a brand identity that not only resonates with your audience, but speaks to your competitive advantage (your unique value proposition) is essential to building success in a crowded market. With countless providers, biotech advancements, and healthcare treatments available, patients and clients are often overwhelmed with choices.

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The Ultimate Guide to Messaging: Crafting Your Company's Voice for Impact and Alignment

So, let’s chat about something crucial but often shelved in the day to day chaos of business – messaging. It's like the secret sauce that gives your brand its flavor. Sure, you've got a fantastic mission, but how you communicate this to the world really makes the difference. So, buckle up as we dive into the what, how, and why of messaging, and discover the dance between overarching and targeted messaging.

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Leveraging Your Market Edge for Growth: The EnticEdge Value Mapping Process

If you were to ask each team member in every department what your company’s market value is, would their answers align? What about if you asked your target audience the same? Synthesizing your mission in an approachable way for your target audience to consume is critical for growth, and ensuring that your entire team is aligned around your market value, as well as the best practices for communicating your value is a vital step in the right direction. In fact, a lack of company alignment might be the roadblock you’ve been overlooking to successfully communicate your value to your target audience.

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"Build-A-Brand”: The Ultimate 3-Step Guide to Building Consistent Brand Messaging Across All Platforms *Free Downloadable Brand Strategy Kit*

Consistent messaging is crucial for building and maintaining a unified brand identity and online presence, and is imperative for developing trust and quick recognition among customers. Consistency is the key to not only creating an authentic and noticeable brand presence across all platforms, but also to creating internal company alignment! When your team is empowered with a clear sense of your company’s mission and key value differentiators, as well as your brand’s tone, personality, and values, they are better equipped to clearly communicate your value to customers in a unified voice. When your entire team can clearly communicate your unique differentiators in your market, your company stands out among competitors, better resonates with your target audience, and ultimately establishes long-term customer loyalty. Here are 3 easy steps for strengthening your messaging, aligning your team around your corporate mission and brand values, and defining your UVP in your market!

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What goes into a brand identity? Understanding the components of a brand and defining the ROI of a strong brand identity.

Say it with us now: a brand is not a logo, a brand is not a logo! A brand is your company’s entire identity. It’s the who, what, why, and how of your entire organization. Let’s dive into the factors that contribute to a clear and aligned brand identity and the return on investment (ROI) of a strong brand for your company or team.

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Fortifying Your Brand Personality: How to Stand Out in the Age of AI

While AI-generated content/branding is beneficial in its ability to create branding color schemes and content rapidly, solidifying your authentic brand voice, tone, and personality ensures you can compete with this mass production of AI-generated content. Solidifying your brand values, voice, and identity is critical to ensuring that your brand authenticity stands out amongst an oversaturated market of AI-generated content. AI may provide content at a rapid rate, but it’s flawed in its ability to create alignment amongst your internal team, and ensure authenticity in your brand personality and customer experience.

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The Art of Rebranding: Key Elements of a Successful Strategy

What does it even mean to rebrand? What does it entail? Why do it? A lot falls under the umbrella of rebranding, so let’s talk about it! Rebranding entails changing, refreshing, improving your brand identity – and there are a lot of elements to consider when developing your strategy for doing so. While this list is not exhaustive, it includes those immensely important elements that will ultimately determine the success of your rebrand. Let’s dive into each one…

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TikTok For Business: How To Build Your Brand And Engage With Customers On TikTok

User-generated content is highly influential on TikTok, with 65% of users relying on creator reviews and recommendations for their purchasing decisions. Consider collaborating with popular creators or influencers relevant to your industry to promote your brand. By featuring UGC and working with creators, you can tap into their established audiences, increase brand credibility, and generate organic interest in your products or services.

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What to look for when picking stock images for your website

If you’re looking for a way to elevate your website, including visual interest is always a good idea. One approach for this is to utilize stock images, which can be great assets when trying to offer digestible content to your audience, especially if you don’t have the time or budget to orchestrate an entire company photo shoot. Like any other design choice, though, there are a few things to consider when deciding which ones to use. Obviously, when picking stock images for your website, you want to be sure to select high quality images – but, there are a few other considerations to keep in mind, as well.

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How to vet your company’s target market & why it matters for growth (+ 5 Key Tips from EnticEdge CEO, Julie Weber Ugarte)

If you run your own business or lead strategic teams, chances are you’ve heard the phrase “vet your market” or “vet your audience” tossed around quite a bit. While definitions will always vary by company in terms of the due diligence vetting process itself, we want to go back to some baselines of what market vetting entails and why it’s important for company success and growth.

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Improve Website Leads: Social Proof — What it is and how to use it

One often overlooked way to improve conversion rates on any website (or social media account) is to strategically leverage social proof throughout the user’s journey to conversion. In this blog, we’ll explore what social proof is, explore examples of social proof that you can include on your website, and provide implementable tips and tricks for those of you working in the health ecosystem (healthcare, fitness, wellness, and related technologies), specifically.

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