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From the Tank to the Bank: 6 Tips for a Winning Entrepreneurial Pitch [+ downloadable infographic]

No matter how experienced of an entrepreneur you are, the investor pitch is unsettling and even the most seasoned presenters will have a serious cocktail of nerves and excitement in a room full of investors. This is especially true for first time entrepreneurs who may be starting their first serious venture.

Every year, there are a few pieces of advice we inevitably give to most entrepreneurs as we listen to their pitches and decide if we’d invest heavily in their ideas.

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What goes into a brand identity? Understanding the components of a brand and defining the ROI of a strong brand identity.

Say it with us now: a brand is not a logo, a brand is not a logo! A brand is your company’s entire identity. It’s the who, what, why, and how of your entire organization. Let’s dive into the factors that contribute to a clear and aligned brand identity and the return on investment (ROI) of a strong brand for your company or team.

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