Resources to help you find your authentic edge

Business Strategy Alexa Horvath Business Strategy Alexa Horvath

What Every Business Should Know About Operational Change Management

Internal communication is paramount for successful operational changes, and external communications can benefit a customer’s understanding of new products or approaches they might be seeing. For all businesses, change is necessary to respond to internal shifts, customer needs, and competition. Implementing change in a business can be a fragile process . . .

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Business Strategy Julie Weber Ugarte Business Strategy Julie Weber Ugarte

Strategic Advising: What it is and how strategic advisors help

In rapidly evolving markets, strategic advising is an essential resource for mission-driven companies.  Strategic advising is integral for organizations looking to navigate complex business environments, drive growth, and build a competitive edge. It's particularly beneficial for companies at pivotal moments, such as during periods of significant growth, change, or when facing challenging conditions. This post explores the essence of strategic advising and the multifaceted role of a strategic advisor, as well as how our team at EnticEdge tailors this role to empower your organization's growth and evolution.

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Reaching Your Target Audience: Closing the Gap Between Mission and Market

When your mission resonates clearly with your target market, it not only differentiates your brand in your market sector but also amplifies resonance and engagement among your audience. Visualize the needs of your audience and your mission as two separate puzzle pieces. Your mission might be the missing piece or solution that customers have been looking for in your market, but without shaping your mission in a way that aligns with and speaks directly to their needs, the pieces won’t fit together in a way that leads to client conversion.

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Business Strategy, Team Alignment Madeline Dunne Business Strategy, Team Alignment Madeline Dunne

What is team alignment? Why is it important for your team to be aligned on your mission, messaging, and goals?

Team alignment is one of the most impactful undertakings any company can partake in on a regular basis. It’s one of the most critical factors for the success of any team, and any company. But what does team alignment really mean? How do you achieve team alignment as a busy organization or company? How do you maintain team alignment?

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Does Your Team Need a Value Mapping Session? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

In the bustling business landscape, it's crucial for mission-driven companies to clearly communicate their unique value and align their teams around it. Without this clarity and alignment, even the most innovative companies might struggle to grow and make their mark. That's where EnticEdge steps in - we specialize in helping businesses like yours identify and articulate their differentiating value, ensuring your team is aligned for growth. But how do you know if your company needs a value mapping session? Take our quick quiz to find out!

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The Art of Differentiation: 5 Steps for Leveraging Your Healthcare Brand Identity

In the competitive realm of the healthcare market, establishing a brand identity that not only resonates with your audience, but speaks to your competitive advantage (your unique value proposition) is essential to building success in a crowded market. With countless providers, biotech advancements, and healthcare treatments available, patients and clients are often overwhelmed with choices.

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Leveraging Your Market Edge for Growth: The EnticEdge Value Mapping Process

If you were to ask each team member in every department what your company’s market value is, would their answers align? What about if you asked your target audience the same? Synthesizing your mission in an approachable way for your target audience to consume is critical for growth, and ensuring that your entire team is aligned around your market value, as well as the best practices for communicating your value is a vital step in the right direction. In fact, a lack of company alignment might be the roadblock you’ve been overlooking to successfully communicate your value to your target audience.

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Business Strategy Bridgette Ugarte Business Strategy Bridgette Ugarte

Building Your Competitive Edge: The Difference Between Competitive Advantage and Competitive Necessity

When your company can successfully identify the unique value that you bring to the market, and even further, can integrate it into your marketing strategy and messaging in a way that resonates with your customers, you’re leveraging your competitive advantage for growth! Competitive advantages and competitive necessities are both crucial for a successful business. Competitive necessities are important for keeping your company afloat, but your competitive advantage is what ensures your company stands out. Centering your team and your messaging around these advantages will catalyze your success, foster customer loyalty, and create unique brand recognition in your market.

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Business Strategy EnticEdge Business Strategy EnticEdge

From the Tank to the Bank: 6 Tips for a Winning Entrepreneurial Pitch [+ downloadable infographic]

No matter how experienced of an entrepreneur you are, the investor pitch is unsettling and even the most seasoned presenters will have a serious cocktail of nerves and excitement in a room full of investors. This is especially true for first time entrepreneurs who may be starting their first serious venture.

Every year, there are a few pieces of advice we inevitably give to most entrepreneurs as we listen to their pitches and decide if we’d invest heavily in their ideas.

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What goes into a brand identity? Understanding the components of a brand and defining the ROI of a strong brand identity.

Say it with us now: a brand is not a logo, a brand is not a logo! A brand is your company’s entire identity. It’s the who, what, why, and how of your entire organization. Let’s dive into the factors that contribute to a clear and aligned brand identity and the return on investment (ROI) of a strong brand for your company or team.

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Business Strategy, Team Alignment Bridgette Ugarte Business Strategy, Team Alignment Bridgette Ugarte

7 Tips for Building an Aligned Team as a C-Suite Executive:

Maintain a deep understanding of your organization's brand: your mission, vision, tone, personality and consumer value. A goal-oriented strategy, that not only focuses on an overall mission statement, but also the daily building blocks growing towards that mission ensures that success feels more realizable in to day-to-day decisions.

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Why Your Company’s Online Presence Should be Accessible & Where to Start

Most companies’ outreach and services are found online. Through ads, social media, and websites, companies share their purpose. Now imagine if a fourth of your target audience can’t access your content. They can’t read your mission statement or navigate to sign up for your services. About 25% of the U.S. adult population has a disability, some permanent and others temporary.

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The Art of Rebranding: Key Elements of a Successful Strategy

What does it even mean to rebrand? What does it entail? Why do it? A lot falls under the umbrella of rebranding, so let’s talk about it! Rebranding entails changing, refreshing, improving your brand identity – and there are a lot of elements to consider when developing your strategy for doing so. While this list is not exhaustive, it includes those immensely important elements that will ultimately determine the success of your rebrand. Let’s dive into each one…

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Business Strategy Julie Weber Ugarte Business Strategy Julie Weber Ugarte

Secret to Sustainable Growth: a Benchmark for Decision Making!

Understanding the totality of a company’s why and what a mission-driven organization is impacting, adds to that team drive and allows employees to feel a part of the “something bigger” in the organization. Time and time again we hear the stories of those organizations — that are doing just that — being big winners. Why? Because the whole company actually cares about success.

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Business Strategy Bridgette Ugarte Business Strategy Bridgette Ugarte

5 tips for avoiding Founder's Bias — How to get out of your own way and grow your company

Whether you’re just beginning to venture into the world of entrepreneurship or are years into your business, as a founder, one of the most critical roadblocks in the success of a company is Founder's Bias. Founder’s Bias is the common tendency for founders to allow their own preconceived beliefs, ideas, and opinions to shape their decisions in business without sufficient consideration of all external factors and opposing viewpoints. In today’s blog, we’re diving deep into what you can do, as a founder, to make sure you stay open to the ideas of others and get out of your own way when it comes to growing a successful business.

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Improve Website Leads: Social Proof — What it is and how to use it

One often overlooked way to improve conversion rates on any website (or social media account) is to strategically leverage social proof throughout the user’s journey to conversion. In this blog, we’ll explore what social proof is, explore examples of social proof that you can include on your website, and provide implementable tips and tricks for those of you working in the health ecosystem (healthcare, fitness, wellness, and related technologies), specifically.

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Starting a blog on your website: tips to help you get started

Have you ever thought about starting a blog on your website? If you have, just bite the bullet and go for it. If you have not, it might be something you want to consider… Among various other benefits, blogs give you the opportunity to offer your expertise on a topic (or topics), increase engagement, and build your brand. A blog can help to build a community around your brand and engage with your audience in a different way.

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