A year in review: a look back at marketing trends from 2022

As 2022 comes to a close, we wanted to take a look back at some of the marketing trends that were prominent throughout the year… 

Social media marketing

It is no secret that social media is an increasingly important tool for marketers in the current digital environment; think of it as free publicity! It can be a great tool to increase engagement and build awareness of your brand. Your posts may reach users that you never would have thought to target, but have an interest in your product and/or service. Today, not having a social media presence hinders your potential. It is in your best interest to get the word out and interact with your audience as often as you can. 

Influencer marketing

To piggyback off of social media marketing, let’s discuss influencer marketing. Influencer marketing can be so beneficial because influencers are often considered experts in their given space, while also having built a following that relates to them and trusts their word. This form of marketing is impactful because people are most influenced by those they either relate to, or aspire to be like. So, when influencers promote a given product or service, their followers are often greatly persuaded by what they have to say. 

Video marketing

Video marketing, promoting your brand through video, is another trend that has gained popularity. This can be useful because it provides users with content that is different and more interactive. The influx of information in the digital space can be overwhelming for consumers, but videos can help to break that up.  

Aligning branding and messaging with consumers’ values

It has also become increasingly important to personalize your content to resonate with your audience. Consumers are becoming more interested in brands that support and discuss social issues, so your branding and messaging should align with these evolving consumer values.    

Search engine optimization (SEO)

While this is not a new trend, it remains relevant, year after year. Search engine optimization can help maximize engagement by making your website easier to find. This is not something to ignore. You do not want to lose potential customers because there were suggestions for other companies that could satisfy their needs, ahead of yours.  

While new trends are bound to emerge in the new year, many from 2022 will likely continue to be relevant. So, don’t leave these in 2022, but implement them into your strategy for 2023!

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