Resources to help you find your authentic edge

What to look for when picking stock images for your website

If you’re looking for a way to elevate your website, including visual interest is always a good idea. One approach for this is to utilize stock images, which can be great assets when trying to offer digestible content to your audience, especially if you don’t have the time or budget to orchestrate an entire company photo shoot. Like any other design choice, though, there are a few things to consider when deciding which ones to use. Obviously, when picking stock images for your website, you want to be sure to select high quality images – but, there are a few other considerations to keep in mind, as well.

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How to vet your company’s target market & why it matters for growth (+ 5 Key Tips from EnticEdge CEO, Julie Weber Ugarte)

If you run your own business or lead strategic teams, chances are you’ve heard the phrase “vet your market” or “vet your audience” tossed around quite a bit. While definitions will always vary by company in terms of the due diligence vetting process itself, we want to go back to some baselines of what market vetting entails and why it’s important for company success and growth.

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Improve Website Leads: Social Proof — What it is and how to use it

One often overlooked way to improve conversion rates on any website (or social media account) is to strategically leverage social proof throughout the user’s journey to conversion. In this blog, we’ll explore what social proof is, explore examples of social proof that you can include on your website, and provide implementable tips and tricks for those of you working in the health ecosystem (healthcare, fitness, wellness, and related technologies), specifically.

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The impacts of color psychology in marketing

We often think of color psychology as affecting emotions or feelings, but color psychology is also the study of how colors affect our behavior. The colors you use in your branding can elicit different thoughts and feelings from users but can ultimately affect their decisions as well, so you should be intentional when deciding which ones to use. Color psychology can help to uncover and understand the less obvious effects of using different colors in your branding and marketing.

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