A Beginner’s Guide to Running a Social Media Page (Downloadable Guide)

The idea of running a social media page on your own is pretty daunting, but don’t worry. We’ve got you.

Throughout the EnticEdge journey, we’ve gained some experience in running social media accounts and learned the process that enables us to produce the necessary amount of quality content, on time. If you’re looking to gain some insight and advice on how to do this, look no further! 

P.S. Don’t miss our downloadable guide at the end of this post!

Tips for running a social media account

  1. First and foremost, you must decide what the goal of your page is. It is critical that you determine this before you do anything else so that you can ensure the content you are posting is serving the right purpose. 

  2. Create a content calendar or schedule. Note some things to keep in mind when creating this schedule… 

    • Use a platform that allows you to lay out your ideas in one place and keep track of what you’ve worked on – Notion, Google Slides, etc.

    • Decide how many times per week you want to post.

    • Have some recurring content – concepts that you repeat every week/month/etc.

      1. For example: employee of the month, book/podcast recommendations, blog promotions, holidays, quote of the week, informative articles, etc. 

      2. Bonus tip: create templates for recurring content – this establishes a theme among similar posts and allows you to generate graphics quickly each time.

  3. Have a step-by-step plan that you follow each time you create a new set of content – for example, decide content ideas for each post for the week/month/etc., write captions, create graphics, upload.  

    • Sometimes, deciding what you want to post about is the hardest part – it can be helpful to dedicate one day or a set amount of time to just generate ideas for your posts so that you can then just chip away at writing the content and creating the graphics. 

  4. Upload your content to a website that will post them for you automatically on the scheduled day – Buffer, Hootsuite, etc. Once a post is ready, it can be uploaded to one of these platforms and you can forget about it! 

  5. Tag others in your posts – this gives them the opportunity to reshare your content to their audience and theoretically entice their viewers to check out your account, ultimately increasing your engagement! 

  6. Get ahead – whether it be by a week or a month, always have content ready before its intended upload date. 

    • Give yourself a deadline for how far in advance you want content to be ready.  

  7. Get to know your audience – post content that your audience wants to see. This will come with time; you’re not going to know right away. However, make sure to keep an eye out for it. Don’t continue to post content that’s easy to generate if your audience doesn’t care for it – quality over quantity!

  8. Use the 4-1-1 rule – LinkedIn recommends this strategy. https://www.linkedin.com/business/marketing/blog/linkedin-pages/5-non-obvious-ways-to-improve-your-linkedin-company-page 

    • This rule states that for every piece of content you share about yourself (or your organization), you should share an update from another source and four pieces of content by others.

    • “This rule helps keep your feed centered on your audience’s needs, rather than making it a place for your organization to talk about itself.”

While it may seem intimidating at first, practice makes perfect and it gets easier everyday! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re looking for some guidance – we would love to assist you in whatever way we can. 

Download our checklist for running a social media page below! 

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