Resources to help you find your authentic edge

Fortifying Your Brand Personality: How to Stand Out in the Age of AI

While AI-generated content/branding is beneficial in its ability to create branding color schemes and content rapidly, solidifying your authentic brand voice, tone, and personality ensures you can compete with this mass production of AI-generated content. Solidifying your brand values, voice, and identity is critical to ensuring that your brand authenticity stands out amongst an oversaturated market of AI-generated content. AI may provide content at a rapid rate, but it’s flawed in its ability to create alignment amongst your internal team, and ensure authenticity in your brand personality and customer experience.

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The Art of Rebranding: Key Elements of a Successful Strategy

What does it even mean to rebrand? What does it entail? Why do it? A lot falls under the umbrella of rebranding, so let’s talk about it! Rebranding entails changing, refreshing, improving your brand identity – and there are a lot of elements to consider when developing your strategy for doing so. While this list is not exhaustive, it includes those immensely important elements that will ultimately determine the success of your rebrand. Let’s dive into each one…

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Business Strategy EnticEdge Business Strategy EnticEdge

Beginner's Guide to Content Creation

Quality content creation continues to be one of the best digital marketing strategies you can undertake. While some still haven’t jumped on board, the entrepreneurial emphasis on content creation is not “just a fad.” The reason content creation yields such a high return on investment is because it’s highly approachable and digestible by target audiences, while also boasting a very low upfront cost. Anyway, here’s everything you should know as you venture into the world of content creation!

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