EnticEdge Cornerpiece®: What it is & how to use it

An IPad opened to the Cornerpiece app

What’s an EnticEdge Cornerpiece® and why do I need one?

EnticEdge’s flagship product, the Cornerpiece®, is the first step in creating a company’s foundation for strategic readiness. Often a company is ready to start looking towards the market, or a pivot in the market, and without the Cornerpiece®, that company often is not prepared to fully communicate what they believe is the value proposition of their product or service to a specific audience. In addition to this vital business strategy, the Cornerpiece® integrates many principles of user experience design and applies those principles to setting the foundation for an accessible, effective, and memorable digital design strategy.

In partnership with the client company, the Cornerpiece® process starts with research to delineate the company’s mission, market goals and strategies and then pinpoints which target audiences could capture Product A’s or Service B’s intrinsic value.  Then, it takes that clarity and clearly delivers the value proposition messaging per audience, including the potential return on investment  for each audience so potential partners can clearly see the fit. Certainly the way to communicate a med-tech product’s value proposition to a health professional is different than to a non-health professional C-Suite executive considering a partnership. Building on this, the Cornerpiece® also takes into consideration your target users and their interaction and experience with your existing or future website and collateral by creating a focused information hierarchy and user journey. This process will ultimately define the company’s design strategy moving forward, which helps maintain consistency and a high-quality design approach. The Cornerpiece® then outlines the tactical, strategic next moves a company should consider based on where they are in market penetration to date. 

We’re often asked at EnticEdge where the word Cornerpiece® comes from. A Cornerpiece® to us is the first piece -- or the corner starting piece -- of the marketplace growth puzzle; it’s foundational for any company and it’s never too late to go back and create or revisit. Essentially, it’s the core of your strategy and the go-to for communicating a company’s ability to add value to its clients.

How do I put the EnticEdge Cornerpiece® into action? 

A busy office scene

It becomes the point of reference right at your fingertips for the content needed to populate your website, marketing collateral, presentations, elevator pitches, and more. No more checking in on this and that for each document -- you have high-quality, tailored content approved in one place for all stakeholders and employees. One client said just this month, “I really understand the value of this Cornerpiece® now; I reference it at least every 3 days to prepare for important conversations!”  This ensures those takeaways on messaging and branding are consistent, meaningful, repeatable, and speak in a language that resonates with each audience your company is targeting. Internally, it ensures that team members/consultants then have clarity on focus for how the company specifically provides a solution for audience X. It further helps dilute any unnecessary technical or scientific jargon when marketing so that each audience takes away relatable information. As the foundational piece of the puzzle, the business & design strategy in the Cornerpiece® give the team the narrative, alignment and road(s) to travel for company growth, as well as immediate, actionable items to consider for market traction.

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