Leveraging Your Market Edge for Growth: The EnticEdge Value Mapping Process

If you were to ask each team member in every department what your company’s market value is, would their answers align? What about if you asked your target audience the same? Synthesizing your mission in an approachable way for your target audience to consume is critical for growth, and ensuring that your entire team is aligned around your market value, as well as the best practices for communicating your value is a vital step in the right direction. In fact, a lack of company alignment might be the roadblock you’ve been overlooking to successfully communicate your value to your target audience. So, let’s dive into how the EnticEdge Value Mapping process ensures that your company launches towards mission-driven growth, fueled by company-wide alignment around your mission and messaging.

STEP 1: Refining Your UVP in Your Market

So, how does an EnticEdge Value Mapping session work? EnticEdge Value Mapping was created to help mission-driven companies uncover and articulate their unique value and differentiators to their target demographic(s). Behind-the-scenes, this approach involves a deep dive into your company's core competencies, market positioning, the specific needs of your target audience, and includes collaboration with field and subject matter experts for industry-specific details.

EnticEdge meticulously analyzes what sets your company apart from market competitors, and transforms these insights into clear, compelling messaging around your unique value proposition, using an approach geared strategically towards you market. The outcome? A strategic map (pardon our pun!) or blueprint that not only empowers your brand's identity but also drives growth and enhances market impact. Implementing that blueprint involves collaboration and alignment—it’s a company-wide team effort. So, how do we guarantee your team is aligned around this messaging? That’s step 2!


STEP 2: Creating Company-Wide Clarity & Alignment

We then bring your entire team together, from leadership to providers to administrative staff to consultants (yes, we actually meant everyone!), and hold a moderated, deep-dive workshop session to answer key questions about target market, mission, hurdles, opportunities for growth, and key differentiators/competitive value. You’d be surprised by how many AHA moments come out of these sessions — key leaders that are misaligned on company mission, team members who have direct contact with customers sharing key insights with those who don’t, these sessions uncover A LOT.


STEP 3: Implementing Mission & Messaging in Your Operations

Aligning your call center, your physicians, and every team member around how you want to communicate your value to clients (as it relates to both your mission, messaging, and communication style) is critical for transforming your mission-driven strategy into operational efficiency, and leveraging it for increased client conversion and customer satisfaction. As customer service teams are your first points of contact—they’re the ones that especially need a clear understanding of company value to strengthen community partnerships, increase client conversion, and encourage referrals as those first points of contact. Aligning these teams around not only your value, but your messaging and communication style around this value, is critical especially when it comes to a care-centric industry (like healthcare for example), where customer satisfaction and referrals are large parts of ensuring customer loyalty and client conversion. Ironically, mission and messaging oftentimes will remain at the administrative level, and get stuck inside of your marketing, falling short of reaching these vital first points of contact. The business insights gained from an EnticEdge Value Mapping session inform these hurdles and growth opportunities to ensure alignment across all departments from marketing to operations to guarantee continued and sustained alignment, customer satisfaction, and growth!

Understanding your unique value in your market, and aligning your team around this mission is critical for ensuring that every decision, conversation, and objective aligns with your mission, and drives your company towards your growth objectives. An equally important step for strengthened company-wide alignment is ensuring that each team member in every department, not only has a clear understanding of your mission, but can successfully communicate it using your unique company messaging, tone, personality, and voice. Creating a collaborative conversation to explore two-way feedback, between leadership and all staff, is critical for exploring disconnect in your messaging and mission. EnticEdge Value Mapping aligns your team around your value and messaging, transforming disconnect into opportunities to catalyze your growth and better reach your target audience!

Ready to launch towards growth with a Value Mapping Session?


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