Resources to help you find your authentic edge

Reaching Your Target Audience: Closing the Gap Between Mission and Market

When your mission resonates clearly with your target market, it not only differentiates your brand in your market sector but also amplifies resonance and engagement among your audience. Visualize the needs of your audience and your mission as two separate puzzle pieces. Your mission might be the missing piece or solution that customers have been looking for in your market, but without shaping your mission in a way that aligns with and speaks directly to their needs, the pieces won’t fit together in a way that leads to client conversion.

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Leveraging Your Market Edge for Growth: The EnticEdge Value Mapping Process

If you were to ask each team member in every department what your company’s market value is, would their answers align? What about if you asked your target audience the same? Synthesizing your mission in an approachable way for your target audience to consume is critical for growth, and ensuring that your entire team is aligned around your market value, as well as the best practices for communicating your value is a vital step in the right direction. In fact, a lack of company alignment might be the roadblock you’ve been overlooking to successfully communicate your value to your target audience.

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How to vet your company’s target market & why it matters for growth (+ 5 Key Tips from EnticEdge CEO, Julie Weber Ugarte)

If you run your own business or lead strategic teams, chances are you’ve heard the phrase “vet your market” or “vet your audience” tossed around quite a bit. While definitions will always vary by company in terms of the due diligence vetting process itself, we want to go back to some baselines of what market vetting entails and why it’s important for company success and growth.

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