Resources to help you find your authentic edge

"Build-A-Brand”: The Ultimate 3-Step Guide to Building Consistent Brand Messaging Across All Platforms *Free Downloadable Brand Strategy Kit*

Consistent messaging is crucial for building and maintaining a unified brand identity and online presence, and is imperative for developing trust and quick recognition among customers. Consistency is the key to not only creating an authentic and noticeable brand presence across all platforms, but also to creating internal company alignment! When your team is empowered with a clear sense of your company’s mission and key value differentiators, as well as your brand’s tone, personality, and values, they are better equipped to clearly communicate your value to customers in a unified voice. When your entire team can clearly communicate your unique differentiators in your market, your company stands out among competitors, better resonates with your target audience, and ultimately establishes long-term customer loyalty. Here are 3 easy steps for strengthening your messaging, aligning your team around your corporate mission and brand values, and defining your UVP in your market!

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How to vet your company’s target market & why it matters for growth (+ 5 Key Tips from EnticEdge CEO, Julie Weber Ugarte)

If you run your own business or lead strategic teams, chances are you’ve heard the phrase “vet your market” or “vet your audience” tossed around quite a bit. While definitions will always vary by company in terms of the due diligence vetting process itself, we want to go back to some baselines of what market vetting entails and why it’s important for company success and growth.

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