Resources to help you find your authentic edge
Five Tips for Healthy Stakeholder Alignment - Especially in Times of Change
While it may not seem like a big deal on a daily basis, having minor differences in what stakeholders believe are the primary values of the company’s offerings makes it incredibly difficult to achieve and sustain stakeholder alignment, and to adapt when significant changes occur and transformative opportunities are possible. With this in mind, we’ve put together 5 tips for cultivating healthy stakeholder alignment (especially in times of change).
The ROI of a healthy, user-centered website
Investing in a beautifully-designed and user-centered website is one of the best decisions any company can make, primarily because it will bring your company three things: visibility, credibility, and opportunity. Ultimately, this means a high return on investment (ROI) for any time and money you set aside for a better website. In this week’s post, we’ll break down how investing in your website will bring your company better visibility, credibility, and opportunity, and why the ROI of a user-centered website is so high.
EnticEdge Cornerpiece®: What it is & how to use it
A Cornerpiece® to us is the first piece -- or the corner starting piece -- of the marketplace growth puzzle; it’s foundational for any company and it’s never too late to go back and create or revisit. Essentially, it’s the core of your strategy and the go-to for communicating a company’s ability to add value to its clients.