Creating impactful content for your audience

Woman sitting at her desk writing on a notepad in casual work attire

As we’ve mentioned before, effective content creation is a critical element of a company’s marketing strategy. So, we want to offer a few tips to help guide you in the process of creating impactful content for your audience…

Stay updated on industry trends

Trends are constantly changing and you can build credibility by showing your audience your understanding and knowledge of the current practices in your given industry. As you want to do everything in your power to build trust with your audience, this is not something to ignore. 

Additionally, new trends are constantly emerging for a reason; consumers have increasingly dynamic demands. Often, trends develop that seek to accommodate these evolving demands. They offer updated and refreshing approaches to promoting your brand and, ideally, expanding your market. Also, remaining in-the-know of what is going on in the industry will prevent you from producing outdated content. 

3 resources for industry trends:

  1. Industry-specific online or print publications

  2. Industry-specific association newsletters

  3. University and academic journals from industry-related institutions 

Know your audience

To create effective content, you must understand what is influential to your audience and what they care to see. Get to know your audience so that you can create content that resonates with them. When they relate to and/or appreciate your content, they will be able to form meaningful connections with your brand. These connections become relationships and soon enough you will have developed a loyal and trusting customer base. Engagement will increase, leading to increased sales, and so on.

It is all interconnected; do not ignore the tasks that may seem most obvious to you, such as genuinely understanding your target market.

3 ways to get to know your audience:

  1. Attend events and meetups that your audience would likely attend.

  2. Join groups, either on social media or in person (associations), that your audience would be a part of.

  3. Ask questions of your existing audience and listen actively to their responses – for example, using polls on social media.

Reinvent old designs

Put forth the extra effort to continuously update old designs and brand elements to keep your audience on their toes and cognizant of your posts. Refrain from using old templates out of convenience if you know there is room for improvement; reinvent the content your audience is used to seeing!

3 ideas for reinventing old designs:

  1. Search for new templates online, but use them for inspiration rather than just as they are – explore Canva, Adobe Illustrator, Pinterest, Behance, etc.

  2. See if you can change up the medium of your design – for example, experimenting with videos and/or animations as opposed to standard photo graphics.

  3. Collaborate within your industry – see if you can co-create content with a partner, organization, or audience member.

There are countless considerations when creating content, but these are just a few that we feel should not be ignored. Do not underestimate how beneficial effective content creation can be. There is an abundance of resources at your fingertips, utilize them!

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