TikTok For Business: How To Build Your Brand And Engage With Customers On TikTok

With over 1 billion active users worldwide, TikTok has become a powerful platform for businesses to connect with a diverse and engaged audience. At least 35.1% of users use Tiktok to follow and research brands. In fact, it was named the Top App for Consumer Spending in 2022. Its popularity spans across age groups, with 31% of users falling within the 25-34 age range and 30% aged 35 and above. In this blog post, we will explore the various strategies and features that can help you effectively build your brand on TikTok, tapping into its immense potential for business growth. Below, find our best tips for creating an engaged community on the ever-growing platform!

#1: TikTok for business

TikTok offers a dedicated suite of tools and features for businesses to maximize their presence on the platform. By utilizing TikTok for Business, you can gain valuable insights into your target audience, optimize your content strategy, and measure your performance effectively. With the updated caption length of 2,200 characters, there is ample space to include keywords and create compelling captions that resonate with your audience. Tiktok’s Keyword Insights page allows you to find trending hashtags and filter results by region, industry, objective, keyword type. You can also sort results by popularity, popularity change, and click through rate (CTR).

#2: Engage with the TikTok community

One of the keys to success on TikTok is active engagement with the community. Research shows that 21% of users feel more connected to brands that engage with their content. Take the time to interact with users, respond to comments, and participate in trends or challenges relevant to your brand. Building a genuine connection with your audience will foster trust and loyalty.

“Research shows that 21% of users feel more connected to brands that engage with their content. ”

#3: Leverage hashtags

Hashtags play a crucial role in expanding the reach of your content on TikTok. In addition to using popular hashtags such as #FYP (For You Page), consider creating a unique brand hashtag. This will allow your audience to easily discover and engage with all your content, including reviews and user-generated content (UGC). Strike a balance between using your brand hashtag and popular hashtags to reach a broader and more targeted audience.


#4: Harness the power of analytics

TikTok's analytics provide valuable insights to refine your content strategy and understand your audience better. Explore the analytics dashboard to track engagement, follower growth, and popular topics, videos, and sounds among your audience. With the ability to schedule posts based on personalized time recommendations, you can optimize your content's visibility and maximize audience engagement. If you need a refresher on how to define all of these metrics into meaningful KPIs, check out our post on avoiding metric overload here.

#5: Embrace user-generated content

User-generated content is highly influential on TikTok, with 65% of users relying on creator reviews and recommendations for their purchasing decisions. Consider collaborating with popular creators or influencers relevant to your industry to promote your brand. By featuring UGC and working with creators, you can tap into their established audiences, increase brand credibility, and generate organic interest in your products or services.

65% of users relying on creator reviews and recommendations for their purchasing decisions.”

#6: Amplify reach with paid advertisements

TikTok offers a variety of advertising options for businesses. With a potential ad reach of 945.2 million users, TikTok ads provide an opportunity to expand your brand's visibility and drive conversions. Ads featuring creators have shown a 26% increase in favorability compared to those without. Consider leveraging paid advertisements to complement your organic content strategy and reach a broader audience.


#7: Create a positive and inspirational persona

TikTok users are drawn to content that uplifts and entertains them. Research indicates that 41% of users are more likely to make a purchase when their spirits are lifted. Ensure your brand persona aligns with your mission, as well as the platform's positive and inspiring culture. Create content that resonates emotionally, shares your brand values, and showcases your products or services in an engaging manner.

“Research indicates that 41% of users are more likely to make a purchase when their spirits are lifted.”

TikTok presents an unparalleled opportunity for your business to connect with a global audience and build your brand. By utilizing the platform's business features, engaging with the community, leveraging analytics, and incorporating user-generated content, you can harness the full potential of TikTok to drive brand awareness, loyalty, and growth.

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